Creating an E.R.P. for Educational Organizations from Scratch.
I am the developer of EdLivon, a veritable E.R.P. for the education industry. It is an E.R.P. created to smoothen the day-to-day operations for the academic and non-academic staff in a school while providing a foundation for the students to keep track of their performance and their parents to monitor them.
In it are different modules that work together like clockwork. The said modules include, student information, accounts and finance, front desk office, etc.
The different modules are linked together in a manner that allows them to share data with each other effectively, having it go through different assign people and processes. For example, a student's initial data may come through a registration form via the front desk office module, their admission tests would be marked by the teachers via the academics module, and according to their results, their standing would be assigned automatically in the front desk module. Finally, once their fees are cleared through the accounts and finance module, they will be admitted as a student and their information will be accessible in the student information module.
A reports and analytics panel is included with each module, and a master analytics dashboard with all the relevant info presented exists as well.
How it Works
I developed this app using PHP / MySQL.
Some Screenshots
Note: This list of screenshots is non-exchaustive..png&w=3840&q=75)